Jesse Carlock & Steve Bentheim< Bring Your Juciness to the Satir Journal

For many years in the United States, our Satir Model had been side-lined in the academic world and barely a reference to Satir could be counted on in most professional training programs in the United States. Despite this, the Model has enjoyed welcoming arms and great appreciation from many other countries in the world, and grown in its development. In 2006, the Satir Institute of the Pacific birthed The Satir Journal: Transformational Systemic Therapy which launched the Satir Model back into the academic arena. Our dream is to use the journal as a vehicle to explore theoretical and clinical aspects of the model, to promote research on the model, to provide a forum for creative expression, as well as to offer a way to help bring us together. We welcome all members of Virginia Satir Global Network, and input from all Satir institutes and organizations. Take a step towards joining us in creating a powerful vehicle for helping The Satir Model touch the world. We need your juicy selves!