The Secret Structure of Enneagram Styles Tom Condon

All subjective experience has a sensory structure, an "inner architecture," and anything we do follows a sequence of internal sensory steps – a combination seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting. Each Enneagram style also has specific sensory qualities that shape our Enneagramatic reactions. Whenever someone behaves in a compulsive, fixated way from within their Enneagram style there is both a structure to it and key sensory qualities that drive the behavior. These subjective elements can be identified and altered, sometimes to dramatic effect. Come and learn a new perspective on the Enneagram, one that leads to greater freedom and choice. Thomas Condon has taught over 600 workshops in the United States, Europe and Asia. The Director of the Changeworks in Bend, Oregon, he has been an adjunct faculty member of Antioch University and the University of California at Berkeley. He is the author of over 50 audiotapes, videotapes, and books.